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Make your network perform like never before

Explore the latest coherent optical transceivers from 100G to 800G.

Do these challenges sound familiar?

High Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Limited network scalability

Difficulty maximizing link efficiency within budget constraints

Incompatibility with existing network infrastructure

Where do you want to use coherent optical transceivers?

Choose the part of the network infrastructure and discover how it can be enhanced with coherent optical modules.

Coherent optical transceivers are ideal for optimizing DWDM systems towards IP-over-DWDM. This approach allows optical transport modules to be installed directly in IP devices - such as routers or switches - eliminating the need for transponders in the network.

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Implementing 100G technology in access networks

The adoption of 100G technology has become a hot topic in access networks, with a wide range of potential deployment areas, including uplinks for OLTs and DSLAMs, mobile base stations, and enterprise customers. The diversity of these applications drives operators to seek the most effective solutions. To meet these needs, we offer multiple 100G solutions tailored to address customer requirements as accurately as possible.

Coherent modulation goes beyond amplitude modulation by also modulating the phase and polarization of the signal. This allows more data to be transmitted at the same laser speed. However, coherent modulation requires more complex signal processing. Since it sends not just light amplitude (intensity) but a set of points (constellations), decoding this signal demands complex mathematical operations. Consequently, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) with significant computing power is needed to perform these calculations.


  • 100G over existing DWDM network
  • 100G DWDM network
  • 100G point to point DWDM with POLS

400G links: essential for aggregation and core networks

400G links have become a mandatory requirement for aggregation and core network links. With the advent of QSFP-DD transceivers featuring built-in coherent DSP, these modules can be directly plugged into IP devices, such as switches or routers, a concept known as IP over DWDM. This approach has been a staple in the telecommunications industry for over 20 years. The simplest application of these transceivers is point-to-point connections over dark fiber, with distances reaching up to 100 km.

From a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) perspective, the most cost-effective solution is running 400G links over a DWDM network. One current challenge is that some aggregation nodes still lack QSFP-DD slots. Thanks to the standardization around 400G DCO transceivers, hybrid solutions are possible. For instance, in a core node, a 400G transceiver can be installed directly into an IP device, configured for a host-side application of 4x100G. On the other side, a muxponder can be used to connect Nx100G to a 100G device. Additionally, for operators needing to install ultra-long-haul links, this application can be accomplished using standard ZR+ transceivers and a "super channel."


  • 400G point to point over dark fiber
  • 400G point to point DWDM with POLS
  • 400G point to point DWDM
  • 400G over DWDM
  • 400G hybrid – IPoDWDM + muxponder
  • 400G Ultra Long Haul

800G technology: A leap forward in high-speed networking

800G technology, presented in the QSFP-DD form factor, made its debut at OFC 2024 and will be ready for sale in Q4 2024. This advancement is the result of continuous development of 400G coherent technology, bringing standardized transmission modes based on the OpenZR+ standard and functionalities defined by the OpenROADM standard, including interoperable Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS).

800G technology will also support 600G and 400G transmission modes, offering significantly improved OSNR (Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio) tolerance. The high output power of 800G coherent modules will require 150 GHz DWDM channel spacing.


  • 800G over DWDM using 400G transceivers
  • 800G muxponder
  • 1.6T super channel
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Network optimization made easy

A coherent optical module performs the same functions as a transponder but does so directly at the port of a network device. This gives you access to much more diagnostic information than standard direct detect transceivers.

For example, you can easily find information about the supported applications and laser settings, like the available wavelengths and how precisely you can adjust them.

How many photons can one bit of information be read from? The IP-over-DWDM revolution with 400G coherent optical transceivers

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Unmatched features for superior performance

High throughput

Coherent plugs can transmit data at speeds of up to 800Gbps, making them some of the most efficient devices on the market.

Long transmission distance

Coherent technology enables signals to be transmitted over much longer distances while maintaining high signal quality, surpassing other solutions.

Low operating costs

Coherent modules deliver high transmission quality with minimal distortion, resulting in fewer errors and reduced operating costs.

Very high accuracy

By using coherent modules, the need for signal amplifiers is significantly reduced, further lowering operating costs.

Simple installation

Coherent modules are easy to install and configure, allowing for faster and more efficient deployment in existing networks.

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Applications - what do we need?

For most applications, we only need three or even two products! (Excluding the components of the transmission system that transport the data)

  • Coherent Optical Transceiver
    QSFP28 100G, QSFP-DD 400G, or soon, QSFP-DD 800G
  • Universal Transponder  (optional)
  • Optical Transceiver Programmer
    SRD 5
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